How to Backup your Firefox Bookmarks and Settings

by Oscar Sodani
June 16, 2006
It seems like I have my entire life in Firefox. The web browser is always open on my computer, and Firefox holds all the web sites I visit daily, my work web sites, my passwords, and tons of information. A new extension helps me backup all of that information in case my Firefox installation ever gets corrupted.

The Firefox Extension Backup Extension (FEBE) is the tool we'll use - it's completely free.

First, go to the FEBE web page. Find the latest release and click Install. If the Install doesn't work you may have to "allow" the web site to install the Extension - Firefox will show you a warning if this is the case.

Alternatively, you can download the latest version as a ZIP file. Then rename the file, changing the ZIP extension to XPI, and then open the file with Firefox.

After installing the extension, restart Firefox.

Click on the Tools menu, choose FEBE, and set the FEBE Options. You can then Backup and Restore your bookmarks, cookies, preferences, and extensions whenever you wish!